Shadow Talon
  What was old is now new




This room is a mirror kill/capture/force collaring home. What this means is, if you can't do it in your home, don't try it here. THIS DOES NOT COUNT FOR FULL MEMBERS OF THIS HOME AND WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO KICK YOUR ASS IF YOU ASK FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Unwilling Captive Rule is NOT recognized here



Caste of assassins

There is nothing stopping you from carrying out your mission in the village. It was part of Gorean life in the cities. Just do bear in mind that there is also nothing stopping people from defending those with whom they share a home stone or bonds of friendship.

The first and foremost rule of this home, this home is BASED upon the Gorean books and writings Of John Norman as well as some natural advancement and evolution of characters and Gor over the last decade plus of roleplay. The books are NOT a Bible and in such will not be looked at as such. This is an RP room and based upon the Tuchuks way of life, in such the Ubar is law. Those he places as his voice and strength in his absence will be shown such respect. THE THREE POST KILL LAW APPLIES WITHIN THIS HOME. Any troublemakers, anons, nameless ghosts and crossover character bullshit will be met with an instant 3 post kill and a boot from the home. IGNORANCE OF THE RULES WILL NOT KEEP YOU ALIVE. So read them before coming into the home and beginning anything you can not finish.

Shadow Talon, a home buried by the well placed shots of Death Shadow and Lijena Anane, has been reborn under the council of the Ubar Death Shadow, his Ubara, Dracul, and his First Bow and first born daughter, Bella Morte, in the spirit of those that remember the FUN and roleplay of Old Gor when there was more then fighting, furring and message board wars. This home is not based upon the number of members but the quality of the members within said home. Death Shadow traveled long and hard and has found again the heart of Gor within the one place he forgot to look, himself. Gor is to each a different being. Your ideas are not mine. And as we here shall not force OUR way of Gor or OUR way of translating it into roleplay upon you, do not think you shall have the right to do so to us. Know well that we are open minded, but WE ARE GOREAN AND WE WILL ACT SUCH. Death Spars, Judges and all the Bible thumping, stress inducing, time consuming, Ubar pissing off petty bullshit will not rule our lives or any in this home.

With the rebirth of Shadow Talon comes the rebirth of a dream.. One Of Gor when it was loved and not a battle of who is more gorean than whom.

If you come to enter, enjoy the home, its' company and it's way of life. please, do pass the porticulus, and the outriders and enter in peace. By entering you state that you understand and will abide by the Ubar's rulings and laws.

Should you chose to enter and feel yourself above the rules of this home, you will be dealt with swiftly in the manner stated above.

Leave your shit at the door and enter to roleplay. This includes entering the room just to see what kind of ruckus you can cause with DS today. No one forces you to enter our home. Don't agree with him, hate him, don't enter it's that simple

This room is dedicated to Mal Dav an original member of this home, ralana{DS}, may the goddess hold her safe.

General Rules for the Room

1)      This is a Gorean Roleplay Room.  There is no OOC here.  We are going back to how Gor used to be.  Discuss and speak on what you wish, but remain respectful.  Putting disrespectful words in (( )) or in thought posts will not save you.  You will be held responsible for all you say here.  [Thanks given to AOA for the wording.] 

2)      This is not a pic testing room. 

3)      Be aware of where people are so you can properly join into the RP.  Meaning if a person is inside a wagon and you are at the entrance to the camp you would not see them or hear what they say.

4)      Anons will be booted.  Please choose a proper name to enter with.

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